The world has gone to hell and split into two factions: the Ghosts and the Federation. The Federation is the antagonist of the group, as it simply consists of most of the 'evil forces' in the world (South America, China, Russia, etc.), who are out to cripple and destroy the good people of the United States and the rest of the world.
Thanks to a space program called the 'Odin Project', bad forces did just that, sending a large number of laser-guided attacks on the Federation's enemies. Cities are destroyed, lives are lost and what remains of the survivors are divided into helpless, fading military and Ghost squads. The Ghost will make the Federation's life hell through a series of well-placed events that come together to destroy the Federation from the inside out.
Everything about the campaign mode screams the same sound as IW's previous iteration of Call of Duty - a Hollywood production. Lots of explosions, lots of fairly simple missions leading up to one defining, intense moment. This is a common pattern and not a bad one. The story itself, while not huge in scope, is quite fun to watch and gets you in the mood to save the world (or try) once again. This is definitely a stronger campaign mode than what Battlefield 4 offers, but only in story.
The places where campaign mode stutters are the thickness of the world you play in, you have little room to be creative or go out on your own path, from one preset, to achieve whatever mission you are trying to complete. I would have preferred some flexibility with the campaign gameplay, or a different way to deal with whatever story point your plan has laid out in front of you, but Ghosts pretty much sets you in the path of what you want.
Is that bad? Well, BF4 offers some flexibility in this area, but not much, so the fact that CoD: Ghosts falls short isn't a big deal (everyone does). I would have preferred some sort of 'other' option for doing things, but this is what we've come to expect from the IW Call of Duty series. In other words, it's the historical equivalent of CoD, although the last Cods (way back before MW was born) had a reason to keep players on the same path - history made it.
It has no other reason than to tell the story that it wants to tell, which isn't a bad thing; just not a very creative or new way of doing things. What the campaign does improve helps raise it above the usual bar of value. The first thing you will notice is that the AI of your teammates is much better than it has been in the past with CoD games. Gadget's co-workers will actually hunt down and kill Gadget's enemies if Gadget's friends are trapped behind cover for some reason. They really help encourage and will do their best to make your gadget come alive. That's not always the case in the Call of Duty series. I was very impressed with that part of the campaign mode and feel like this is a huge improvement.

Di sisi lain untuk koin itu, musuh AI adalah on / off. Ada saat-saat di mana musuh akan jatuh kembali ketika chip turun untuk mereka, dan bergerak maju ketika mereka memiliki keuntungan. Itu mengesankan untuk menonton. Lalu ada saat di mana musuh akan stagnan dan menjaga kepala mereka di tempat yang tepat untuk sniping, yang sedih untuk menonton. Secara keseluruhan, musuh AI lebih baik daripada sebelumnya di masa lalu, tapi masih kalah jauh BF4 dan Crysis. Saya ingin musuh untuk benar menilai segala sesuatu, adalah bahwa terlalu banyak untuk meminta? (Ya, mungkin karena belum ada yang melakukannya dengan sempurna belum).
Dalam hal cara untuk bermain Hantu, Sobat gadget akan menemukan berbagai bagus menunggu untuk Sobat gadget. Sobat gadget bisa mengontrol kendaraan, A10 dan melakukan hal-hal menyenangkan seperti skala bawah bangunan. Ini pretty darn keren dan, seperti aksi dalam film seperti The Expendables, yang membanggakan diri pada cara-cara baru untuk membuat urutan tindakan, Hantu memberi Sobat gadget banyak kemegahan dan keadaan setara untuk baik jumlah nilai hiburan.
Berbicara tentang hiburan, penambahan terbesar, dan salah satu yang berbicara tentang yang paling (bahkan di humor - baik-baik saja, sebagian besar di humor) adalah dimasukkannya Gembala Jerman dalam permainan. Sebanyak Sobat gadget ingin menyenangkan dari konsep ini, itu sebenarnya agak dingin.
Controlling dogs to attack, scout and basically do the dirty work is kind of fun. You will find your dog entertaining when you use him/her (sorry, didn't check gender) in multiplayer. The use of dogs in multiplayer is brilliant, and needed. I digress, using him in campaign mode is entertaining and adds to the storyline quite well.
Now, making the gameplay a little sweeter is how tight the controls feel in this Call of Duty. One of the reasons I really love Battlefield 4 is because they tightened up the controls a lot. Much like BF4, aiming and controlling your gadget character is much tighter than it has been in previous years. The controls seem very responsive at the right times and the game allows players during QT events to make mistakes, but recover in time.
One addition to the game of the year, and something I've been dying to get a fix for years (well, really since Medal of Honor was introduced in 2010) is climbing. In past CoD games it has been an ugly burden climbing things. What can only be described as a 'pulley' system climbing technique, the climbing has been described as 'robotic'.

Gadget friends know this because more than likely you are a fan of the series, which is honestly bad. With Ghosts, climbing and jumping improves the pacing and self-emergence of the game tenfold. That's one of the coolest things to come out of MOH in 2010 and I'm happy that IW is finally being added to one of their CoD titles. Hopefully Treyarch follows suit.
One big plus to Call of Duty: Ghosts on the campaign side is how absolutely beautiful the world is in the game. After playing the hell out of Battlefield 4 on PS3, and hoping for a PS4 version to appear soon due to the blandness of the graphics, I was underwhelmed by the current generation translation. Call of Duty: Ghosts exceeded my expectations in terms of presentation.
The world you can explore with your fellow Gadget Ghosts (and dogs) is really big. Although you don't get a chance to stray from the beaten path, everything in the game screams detail.

Gadget friends can move grass, falling rocks, decaying cities, particles in the air and all kinds of beautiful little details around gadget friends. I firmly understand that the next generation and PC version of this title will eliminate the smooth shading, nice models and what not you get with the current generation, but this is an impressive way to leave the older generation behind. Kudos to Infinity Ward for their efforts in making this look beautiful for the current generation of people who don't have a PS4 a/XB1 locked up yet. They put a lot of love and effort into making this product look beautiful.
Having said this, you'll notice some ugly pixels here and there in the game, with some breaking happening from a distance, but it's nowhere near as bland and ugly as you get with BF4. At worst, like Battlefield, it will make you remember that you have something better waiting for you towards the middle and end of this month. It's the cost of making a finished game on the next generation of consoles/PC and bringing it down a bit to fit this generation.

Gadget friends will definitely see some flat textures, a few pop-ups here and there and the usual things that gadget friends find in this generation. Just know that they probably did their best job bringing you gadget stuff on the current platform which is aged and underpowered. Forgiven? Most certainly, especially since upgrading to next-gen consoles costs $9.99 (at least on PS4). Before we move to the multiplayer portion of this review, let's briefly discuss the talents they bring to bringing campaign characters to life. Brandon Routh leads the way as HESH in campaign mode.
He brings intensity and passion to the role of a struggling family trying to bring down a giant force. Tied with him for best performance is Stephen Lang as the father of HESH (and our main character). He was built for a military role, so his appearance seemed to come naturally. Big names for big games seems to be the M.O. that's for Infinity Ward, and they voted well when deciding who leads Ghost.
Minimum PC Specifications
CPU: Celeron E1200 Dual-Core 1.6GHz, Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3600+
VGA: GeForce GT 230, Radeon HD 4650 1GB
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 11
Recommended PC Specifications
CPU: Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16GHz, Athlon II X3 415e
VGA: GeForce GTS 450, Radeon HD 4850x2
HDD: 10 GB
DirectX: 11